montagne_piton_des_neiges10_sunset_modele_commerson_-_credit_irt_-_frog_974_photographies_dts_07_2016_2.jpgMontagne Piton Des Neiges10 Sunset Modele Commerson Credit Irt Frog 974 Photographies Dts 07 2016 2.jpg
©Montagne Piton Des Neiges10 Sunset Modele Commerson Credit Irt Frog 974 Photographies Dts 07 2016 2.jpg|Frog974

Commerson Crater

On Reunion Island

Did you say Commerson ?

Philibert Commerson was a French naturalist, well-known for having discovered a number of plants on the island. He discovered and named the volcanic “Commerson” crater on Reunion Island !

Commerson crater

A hiking trip that’s suitable for all

Let’s face it, admiring the Commerson crater, at a depth of 265 metres is far from a trekking expedition only for sporty participants! This is the perfect outing for families, it takes only five minutes to get to the viewpoint overlooking the crater.

From Bourg Murat, follow signs for the Piton de la Fournaise. Along the forest route up to the Volcano, you are guaranteed beautiful lunar landscapes… After passing the Pas de Sable, you’ve arrived, all you have to do is leave your car in the car park and walk over to the viewpoint to admire a view that you won’t forget in a hurry !

Practical info

Commerson Crater on Reunion Island is a very pleasant place to stop by on the way up to the Piton de la Fournaise.

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