It is far superior to turmeric imported from Asia in mass. Reduced to powder, the root of turmeric is an ingredient in Reunionese cari. It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

A luxury spice

Reunion Island produces excellent turmeric. Traditional methods are used to extract the central part of the mother root, where most of the scent is concentrated. It is a very dark orange colour. It is also used in Ayurvedic medicine. Turmeric has a wide range of benefits.
It is considered to be one of the best food supplements for fighting many cancers thanks to the content of curcumin, an active ingredient: about 100 grams of turmeric contain 5 grams of curcumin.
The capital of Safran péi
Turmeric is also known as “safran péi” by the island locals. Plaine-des-Grégues is a charming little village in Saint-Joseph in the south of the island where the hollow in lush green mountains with sunshine and cool temperatures are ideal for growing turmeric.
At Mémé Rivière, visit the turmeric museum, Maison du Curcuma to discover the production process of this gold powder that adds richness to Reunion Island dishes. Every year, since 1981, an agricultural show is organised for the development of this local product and to promote farmers’ expertise.
le safran péi
Reunion Island turmeric, also called “safran péi”, is very popular with chefs and fans of fragrant dishes. Turmeric is a gold powder and culinary treasure.