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Le Chemin des Anglais (La Possession)

Walking/pedestrian in La Possession
18.8 km
  • This route was traced out in 1730 by Mr Dumas to make it easier for ox carts to make the journey between La Possession and Saint-Denis. The road was brought into service in 1732 under the name Chemin Dumas. It was not yet paved at that time. The paving work on this basalt stone road began in 1767 and ended in 1775. It was Mr Honoré De Crémont who was in charge at the time and who requested that the road linking La Possession to Saint-Denis should be paved with basalt stones and in places...
    This route was traced out in 1730 by Mr Dumas to make it easier for ox carts to make the journey between La Possession and Saint-Denis. The road was brought into service in 1732 under the name Chemin Dumas. It was not yet paved at that time. The paving work on this basalt stone road began in 1767 and ended in 1775. It was Mr Honoré De Crémont who was in charge at the time and who requested that the road linking La Possession to Saint-Denis should be paved with basalt stones and in places lined with low drystone walls. It was the first road built on Reunion Island. It was named Chemin Crémont. During the war which brought them into conflict with France in the Indian Ocean, the English conducted two initial battles in 1809, one at Sainte-Rose in August and the other at Saint-Paul in September. But it was in 1810 that they definitively won this war at the Battle of Plateau de la Redoute: on 8 July 1810, when the bulk of the English troops landed at La Grande Chaloupe. More than 3000 soldiers took the paved path between La Grande Chaloupe and Plateau de la Redoute to reach the capital, Saint Denis. Nowadays, the Chemin des Anglais can be taken from La Possession to Saint Bernard in the Hauts de Saint Denis. An intermediate stop is possible at Grande Chaloupe. The La Possession-Grande Chaloupe section is the longest part. You start with a very steep climb so you quickly find yourself on the top of the cliff. From there, the path becomes more horizontal, except during the descents and ascents of gullies. The Grande Chaloupe-Saint Bernard section also begins with a steep climb, longer than from the La Possession side. The path is also narrower. The views down over the coast are magnificent.
    This hike is accessible to the general public. The main difficulties are getting to the top of the cliff. The climb, a little less than 150 metres, is short and very steep. Take your time and take regular breaks. Walking on some paved sections represents another difficulty: the covering is not uniform. Watch your balance! If you do the whole route, it’s wise to leave in 2 cars, leaving one of them at the finishing point. Another option is to leave your car in Saint-Bernard near the old leper colony and take the bus to La Possession (via the mountain road). Take water (no replenishment possible), sunscreen and hats.
  • Departure
    La Possession
  • Difference in height
    1057.48 m
  • Route interest
    The lazaretto (isolation hospital), the paved path and its history Views of the coast and the coastal road The semi-dry forest
  • Equipment
    Gourd, Hat, Sunscreen.
  • Did you know ?
    To combat the loss of biodiversity, a programme to restore semi-xerophilous habitats of the La Montagne massif has been under way since 2009, in partnership with the La Reunion National Park, the Coastal Conservatory, DEAL, the Regional Council and the General Council. This programme, called LIFE+COREXRUN, consists of restoring 30 hectares of vegetation and reconstituting 9 hectares where the vegetation has recently disappeared. At Grande Chaloupe, a stop at the lazaretto lets you feel the history, during the period of engagism. After the abolition of slavery in 1848, the planters needed manpower and so turned to engagism. Many workers came from India. These isolation hospitals were then built in the 19th century to serve as a quarantine area and thus protect Reunion Island from epidemics. The two lazarettos, closed around 1935, were built to a common model: an infirmary, a cemetery and longhouses to accommodate the migrants taken on. The buildings were restored in 2012.
  • Documentation
    GPX / KML files allow you to export the trail of your hike to your GPS (or other navigation tool)
How to reach the start
When you’re in La Possession, take the La Montagne road. Before you start climbing up to La Montagne, at the end of the road that runs next to the dual carriageway, you’ll see the car park for this paved road on the other side of the roundabout near the edge of the dual carriageway.

To get to Grande Chaloupe, take the coast road to Grande Chaloupe, and park on the road that passes in front of the old train station. You’ll find the start of the trail going towards Saint-Bernard by going up the road to the left. The paved route begins next to a shack painted yellow and red. To find the start of the Chemin Pavé (paved route) towards La Possession, continue along the road which passes in front of the station to the right. This road enters the gorge of Grande Chaloupe and after 500 metres, you’ll see the General Council’s information board at the beginning of the Chemin Pavé on your right.
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0 km - Leave the car park and take the first lane on your left. You’ll find the start of the path 100 metres on from the start of this road.

0.6 km - The first hairpins are tough to climb, and you quickly gain altitude. More than 130 metres of height gained over 500 metres of distance. Now the slope is much more gentle.

1.2 km - This fairly flat part now ends.

1.7 km - After a long, fairly straight descent, you cross the Ravine à Malheur.

2.9 km - The climb back up the ravine is by an uphill slope with a height gain of 140 metres, then a long gentle slope.

3.2 km – You reach a junction. The trail that goes to the right joins the D41 mountain road.

3.8 km - After this long slight incline of more than 1 km, you begin to descend towards a ravine.

4.0 km - You cross the ravine of Petite Chaloupe, then go up the other side.

4.2 km - One last gentle ascent takes you above Grande Chaloupe.

4.5 km - You start the very steep descent. A drop of 200 metres over a distance of 700 metres.

5.2 km - The slope is more gentle when you arrive at the last straight section of the paved road.

6.0 km - The paved road gives way to a concrete road, and you arrive in front of Grande Chaloupe station. The start of the paved road is less than 100 metres after the station.

6.2 km - Pass the wooden barrier which bars the way to mountain bikes.

6.8 km - The zigzag climb is steep and steady. The views are magnificent over Grande Chaloupe, the ocean, the coastal road and the town of Le Port. The altitude difference is 200 metres over a distance of 700 metres.

6.9 km - The last hairpin passes near the rampart and a splendid open view allows you to admire the landscape.

7.0 km - The climb is more gentle, but there is no more vegetation to shelter you from the heat of the sun.

7.5 km - The gentle climb continues in a long, almost straight line.

8.0 km - The paving of the path ends. Basalt stones have certainly been taken from here for other construction work, and the trail continues to rise.

8.5 km - After a slightly sloping section, you come to the barrier marking the end of the paved path.

9.0 km - Continue this short walk on the concrete road to admire the view over Ravine à Jacques.

9.3 km - The concrete road is bordered by a few attractive houses, then you arrive at the first roads of Saint Bernard. To return to the old leper colony, turn left and then left again at the next junction. 10 metres after this junction, take the trail on the right. It joins a road that you go up to the left. You’ll be at the old leper colony 200 m further on.
1057 meters of difference in height
  • Start altitude : 19 m
  • End altitude : 20 m
  • Maximum altitude : 427 m
  • Minimum altitude : 7 m
  • Total positive elevation : 1057 m
  • Total negative elevation : -1057 m
  • Max positive elevation : 325 m
  • Min positive elevation : -324 m