The French “Tourisme & Handicap” label was created in 2001 with the goal of providing reliable, descriptive and objective information on the accessibility of tourist sites and facilities taking into account the 4 types of disabilities (motor, mental, hearing and visual), and to develop an adapted tourist offer.

It certifies the efforts of tourism professionals regarding the accessibility and welcome of a specific clientele and guarantees efficient welcome services that are adapted to the indispensable needs of people with a disability.
But it is primarily a response to the request of people with a disability who want to be able to choose their holidays, learn new things, have fun, travel alone, with family or friends, where they wish, just like everyone else.
The labelling process is open to tourism professionals who wish to open their establishments or sites to a broader public: accommodation, restaurants, tourist sites, entertainment venues, welcome and information areas.
You’ll be able to recognise the establishments bearing the label thanks to the logo opposite.