©Hannes Stier

In the eye of the cyclone on Reunion Island

The cyclone season on Reunion Island

Cyclones are fascinating yet terrifying weather events, and on Reunion Island, they have shaped the lands and legends there. They are pretty rare on the ultimate island, but it’s always useful to be reminded of the rules to respect in case a cyclone hits the island.

The colour code

The colour code for cyclone alerts on Reunion Island will inform you of the current weather events. There are three levels of alert and a safeguarding phase against cyclones :


Safeguarding alert. There is no cyclone risk but there are still some dangers. Find out about the road conditions before going anywhere, don’t touch electrical wires and don’t drink tap water unless you boil it for 5 minutes beforehand. You should not venture into the mountains or cross submerged river passages at this time.


The highest level of alert. This is triggered with a 3-hour notice period, in the event that winds will exceed 200 km/hr. Stay indoors and do not venture outdoors for any reason.


Danger is coming in the next 24 hours: be prepared! Cancel all trips out to sea or the mountains, and don’t forget to stock up on food, lamps, candles, batteries or bottled water.


Danger underway: stay indoors, it is now forbidden to go outside.


Pre-cyclone alert: remain vigilant, there is a potential threat to the island over the next few days.

We answer your questions

How many cyclones are there per year on Reunion Island ?


The cyclone season covers a large part of the year (from December to April), but there are still only a dozen of them per year. Most cyclones lose their power offshore before hitting dry land… In fact, cyclones are quite rare on Reunion Island, luckily !

Cyclone, storm or hurricane ?


In fact, all three words are used to describe the same event! We speak of cyclones in the Indian Ocean regions, such as Reunion Island or the South Pacific.

In the North Atlantic or North-East Pacific, we use the term hurricane, and in the North-West of the Pacific, the word typhoon is used!

Feel the sheer power of the elements

In the Land of the Mighty Ocean

Useful contacts in case of emergency

  • Emergency services: 112
  • Medical Assistance: 15
  • Fire brigade: 18
  • Police/Gendarmerie: 17
  • Météo France – La Réunion (weather reports): Tel. 0892 680 808 (€0.30/min incl. tax) : cycloneinfo: Tel. 0897 65 01 01
  • PGHM (Peloton de Gendarmerie de Haute Montagne): Tel. +262 (0)2 62 93 09 30
  • Allo sentier ONF: +262 (0)262 37 38 39 –
  • Ile de La Réunion Tourisme (IRT):

For any information about guided tours, hiking trails, contact the Information and booking platform for Ile de la Réunion Tourisme on +262 (0)262 90 78 78.


Keep informed by listening to the media and viewing the websites:

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Reunion has a lot to offer !
