Useful numbers
→ European emergency services number: 112
→ Police/Gendarmerie: 17
→ Fire brigade: 18
→ SAMU (medical assistance): 15
→ On-duty pharmacies: +262 (0)262 90 60 44
→ Rescue at sea: +262 (0)262 43 43 43
→ Rescue in the mountains: +262 (0)262 930 930
→ Weather report for the whole island: 08 92 68 08 08
→ Météo France La Réunion– weather reports: Tel. 32 50
→ Cyclone info: Tel. 08 97 65 01 01
→ Piton de la Fournaise Volcano Observatory: Tel. +262 (0)262 27 54 61
→ Road traffic info: +262 (0)262 97 27 27
→ La Réunion Roland Garros Airport – Customer services: +262 (0)262 48 80 68
→ Aircraft movements: +262 (0)262 28 16 16