Reunion Island is paradise on earth for hikers, but it is also a high mountain territory with intense rainy periods and fragile mountainsides! To get the most out of your expedition, it’s important to know everything you need to about the territory.

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Think eco-friendly !

Randonnée Pédestre|

Randonnées pédestres|


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Important advice to keep in mind !
Eco-friendly behaviour to adopt
No rubbish, even biodegradable waste, should be left behind as it can attract rats and cats which can be harmful to the many birds of Reunion Island.
A particularly big threat to the island’s ecosystems is the spread of Invasive Alien Species: make sure you clean your clothing, shoes and equipment meticulously before entering the natural areas.
The areas around the most popular sites are turned into open-air toilets which is then unpleasant for anyone passing through: let’s change this behaviour, bury our waste and make sure toilet paper is picked up.
Wild camping is tolerated on the sides of the footpaths, but building fires is strictly forbidden outside of fire pits that have been specially created for this purposes.