©IRT/Naime Vally

Informations on Covid 19

on Reunion island

Covid 19 : International travel


Accordingly, the rules previously applied to travellers to France no longer apply effective from 1 August 2022:

  • Travellers are now exempt from any formalities prior to entry into France, be it in mainland France or overseas, and no longer required to present a health pass, regardless of the country or place of departure;
  • Justification of travel (the “compelling reason”) is no longer required;
  • Travellers are no longer required to present a sworn statement of non-contamination and an undertaking to undergo an antigen test or screening upon arrival in the country.

The same applies to travel between mainland France and each of the overseas territories.
Similarly, the French authorities no longer require any justification for outgoing travel from France, be it from mainland France or overseas, or any exit clearance to travel to another country.

However, foreign countries may continue to apply specific entry measures and formalities.

For information on the health rules for entry into another country, travellers are invited to consult the “travel advisory” section of the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs website.

Find out about getting vaccinated on Reunion Island: 


If you experience any symptoms, please adhere to the measures in place in Reunion Island

In the event of respiratory infection symptoms (fever, cough, difficulty breathing), you are advised to take the following precautions to avoid contaminating others:

  • Practice social distancing, cover your mouth when coughing, wear a surgical mask if in contact with others
  • Use disposable tissues and wash your hands regularly with soap or hydroalcoholic solutions
  • In case of emergency, contact the Samu Centre 15 and mention the symptoms and any recently visited countries: the health professionals will be able to determine the course of action regarding care.

Go to the Regional Health Authority of Reunion Island’s website HERE

Where can I get tested in Reunion Island?

In addition to pharmacies, government-certified nurses (with “IDE” credentials), massage/physical therapists, doctors and midwives, and dentists can also carry out antigen tests in their offices, at patients’ homes, or in testing tents. These tests have the advantage of producing a rapid result within 15-30 minutes.

Stay informed about Covid-19 by following the announcements from Government services, the Reunion Island Prefecture, and the Regional Health Authority (ARS). For any questions about Covid-19, call 0800 130 000 (toll-free number open 24/7).

Useful numbers

Emergency services: 112
Samu (medical assistance): 15
Fire brigade: 18
Weather: Tel. 0892 680 808 (€0.30/min incl. tax)

Reunion Island Tourism (IRT)
Information and booking platform
To find out more about activities at sea: Tel. 0262 90 78 78 (local call charges apply), 7 days a week.