When you are planning a trip to Reunion Island, you will wonder what the time difference is there in relation to mainland Europe. You must assume that with an 11-hour flight, comes a big time difference. You’ll be surprised, there’s not that big a difference.

Reunion time
At 20°53′ south latitude and 55°31′ east longitude, Reunion Island is set to GMT+4, i.e. four hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (UK time). There isn’t a time difference between towns on Reunion Island, neither in summer, nor in winter.
The longest day is 13.5 hours in December and the shortest is 11 hours in June.
In winter time from the end of October to the end of March, Reunion Island is three hours ahead of mainland France. For example: 9am in Paris, 12pm on Reunion Island(+3 hours).
During summer time, from the beginning of April to the end of October, there are only two hours time difference. For example: 9am in Paris, 11am on Reunion Island (+2 hours).
Time difference between Reunion Island and mainland France
What time is it on Reunion Island ? What’s the time difference between France and Reunion Island? When does Reunion Island change from summer to winter time?
Small time difference: GMT+4
27/03/2022 to 29/10/2022: +2 hours difference with France
30/10/2022 to 27/03/2023: +3 hours difference with France