A passion for Reunion traditions and craftsmanship
Philomène describes herself as a fique weaver and the keeper of a craft passed on by her grandparents. Initially hesitant about this material, she rediscovered the importance of traditions after returning to Reunion Island 30 years ago. As a fique weaver, Philomène masters every stage of the production process, from harvesting the leaves to creating slippers, bags, jewellery and unique items such as a picnic-basket prototype produced in collaboration with the ceramist Claire Falconnet. She adheres scrupulously to traditional techniques, beginning her meticulous work by picking green fique leaves when the waxing moon is just right, a crucial stage of her creation process. She attaches great importance to the ‘shredding’ and the three-strand or five-strand weaving techniques that are an essential part of working with fique. The artist sees fique weaving not as a mere craft, but as a way of keeping Reunion traditions alive. Working with this plant fibre makes her feel connected with her roots and family history.