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Where can you take the best photos of the Volcano ?

The best spots !

With its lunar landscapes and characteristic vegetation, Piton de la Fournaise is full of striking contrasts. Its glowing lava flows which carved out the island’s mountains may be frozen in time, but its colours change all the time. The light from the stars and reflections from the water give each of its slopes a different atmosphere. Would you like to capture these magical moments on the volcano? Here are our best spots for taking photos of Piton de la Fournaise.

The Lava Route: The volcano in full colour

Along the coast, between the cities of Sainte-Rose and Saint-Philippe, the road picks its way through old lava flows forming clusters of volcanic rock. The azure blue of the sky contrasts with the deep blue of the ocean while the green vegetation counters the black volcanic rocks. In this fabulous chiaroscuro, the landscape looks a bit like a film negative. The basalt absorbs the bright light of the sun so the volcano stands out even more. It stands impassive in the background, observing this patchwork of colours and light.

Pas de Sables: Somewhere between a desert and a lunar landscape

Pas de Sables is the best place for stunning panoramas of Plaine des Sables and an unobstructed view perfect for panoramic photos. The volcanic lapilli create an old fashioned grainy effect while reddish reflections shimmer in a desert of volcanic slag. At sunset, the peaks of Piton de la Fournaise filter the fading light of day and give the sky an orange tinge. The amber colours of Plaine des Sables are reflected in the air. The horizon is barely perceptible and only the impressive size of the volcano adds a bit of perspective to the picture. Not far away, the summit of Morne Langevin overlooks the surrounding area.

Pas de Bellecombe: Amazing views

The bright light here creates a particular ambiance, while the confusion of shapes adds a certain charm to photographs. From Pas de Bellecombe, you can see the Piton de La Fournaise enclosure. A landscape so majestic it will leave you speechless. The small volcanic cone of Formica Leo is like a precursor to the majestic Piton de La Fournaise and adds a surprising perspective which is just begging to be captured.

Dolomieu Crater: Zooming in on the island's depths