With reddish, orange and grey hues, this desert landscape will be engraved in your memory with the most active volcano in the world as the leading character. When it comes to life, it offers a unique, majestic and fascinating show, just one hour from tropical forests and lush vegetation

Vue du cratère Rivals, qui est un cône volcanique adventif du Piton de la Fournaise, lors de l'éruption volcanique de septembre - octobre 2022, à la Réunion|

There are two ways to reach Route du Volcan:
– If you are coming from the north or east, head towards Saint-Benoît, then climb up towards the Plaine-des-Palmistes until you reach the heart of Plaine-des-Cafres, the highlands of the town of Tampon. The Route du Volcan leaves from the heart of the village of Bourg-Murat (27th km). Take the volcano scenic route just near the Cité du Volcan museum.
– If you are in the west or south in Saint-Pierre, head for Le Tampon, then Plaine-des-Cafres to reach the same point as in the first itinerary: Bourg Murat
The volcano is part of La Réunion National Park, where the pitons, cirques and ramparts are listed as World Heritage by UNESCO.